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From Single to Couple
Dating & Relationship Advice/Coaching

One-to-one relationship and
dating coaching with M

Love doesn't come with a manual, but dating and relationship coaching will unlock the secrets to success...

Do you really want to do it right this time around?

Do you prefer a personalised approach to finding your perfect partner?

Would you like to recast your past and renew the REAL YOU in the process?

Whether you're a man or a woman; single, divorced or separated, out of a long-term relationship, or newly dating after a long break, my one-to-one relationship and dating coaching sessions will guide you every step of the way!




Most of us have learned the hard way, the emotional and financial cost of getting a relationship WRONG can be enormous, especially if you have children...


The rewards of getting it RIGHT are immeasurable...

There’s a lot of conflicting advice out there, but you can trust my skills and expertise. Trained by one of the world’s leading relationship experts, I use proven science and research based methods which work no matter how many failed relationships you've had or how badly you were hurt in the past.





Move on and leave your emotional baggage behind

Let go of relationship myths and self-sabotaging beliefs

Discover how to find a perfect match

Find out what you need to manage a relationship and lots more...



Encounter any pseudo-science

Waste your time and money

Feel judged or get bored during our sessions!

Are you ready to stop making avoidable mistakes, uncover your best self and take charge of your love life today?


Book your FREE 30-minute introductory session below:



Following 25 years in the corporate world, I decided to dedicate my time to the field about which I'm absolutely passionate: helping men and women, as a relationship and dating coach, find the love they deserve and learn how to build great relationships.


Given my vast experience working with people from all walks of life and various cultural backgrounds, you can always count on empathy, understanding and meaningful insights.


Would you trust:

a) a driving instructor who'd never passed a test?

b) a doctor who'd never been to medical school?

c) a dating coach who's single?

d) none of the above

Surely the answer is "d". All of these professions require someone who's demonstrated an ability to succeed in their field.

My husband and I finally found each other on an upmarket dating site and built a relationship we always wanted in our 40s. Together, we created “From Single to Couple" - the only dating advice programme designed by a married couple who'd successfully navigated the dating minefield and learned from personal experience how to avoid relationship disasters ..... and find lasting happiness.



Subsequently, I expanded my knowledge and obtained a coaching certification from "Global Love Institute".




Our science-based dating and relationship coaching method is built on a ground-breaking 25-year study of marriage, divorce and new love. It offers proven practical strategies to find and keep healthy relationships. *

* By Terri Orbuch Ph.D., also known as The Love Doctor®, one of the world’s most trusted relationship experts.

Q: I’ve given up on love, why bother?

A: Being single can be a great phase in life, yet if you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably hoping to find your other half. When you meet the right person, we guarantee you’ll feel safe, confident and energetic. If you’re a single parent as well, you know children need stability to thrive, which you can provide by creating a new family.

Are you feeling lost in the world of modern dating? Know that you're not alone! Dating and relationship coaching is a significant area of life coaching - it can be your secret weapon. With step-by-step guidance, you'll master the art of dating, including online dating, and learn to navigate the often confusing world of apps and relationships in general.

Take charge of your love life today! 

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